Arbutus Analyzer coached eLearning

coached self-study

Picture of man and woman high-fiving at cluttered desk.

Arbutus Analyzer coached eLearning is a service we offer to complement ArbutusLearning.

ArbutusLearning, eLearning, self-study or whatever you call it has many advantages. You can process the material at your own time and pace, re-read chapters or redo exercises as you need to; all this without rush or distractions from others.

And indeed, Arbutus offers fantastic materials in their ArbutusLearning platform that cover many aspects of data analysis using Arbutus Analyzer.

But on the other side, how do you keep motivated? Where do you go with questions? What if you need concepts explained in a different manner or just want to discuss different approaches, etc.?

What is coached eLearning?

Well, to cover those elements, we offer “coached eLearning“. This approach means that you process all the 20+ modules on the ArbutusLearning platform, but we plan a series (typically 6) of 2-hour meetings to review your progress, address your questions or dig deeper into some of the data analysis aspects. We can even peform data analysis on your own data rather that on the training data. After all, this type of one-to-one coaching allows for such flexibility.

The ultimate goal of this coached training track is to prepare you for the Certified Arbutus Analytics Professional (CAAP) exam; and hopefully pass it of course.

So, this coaching is not a replacement for the ArbutusLearning, but is complemantary to it. You might say this approach is a compromise between self-study and the instructor-led Arbutus Analyzer introductory training; and it is more time and budget friendly too. You see, win-win all around.

In summary

So let’s summarise the approach and advantages of this Arbutus Analyzer coached eLearning:

  • You have an active Arbutus Analyzer subscription (prerequisite).
  • You process the learning material available on ArbutusLearning, at your own pace.
  • We plan a series one-to-one meetings (typcially 6 meetings of 2 hours each) to …
    • review your progress,
    • explain more complex issues or mechanisms,
    • illustrate concepts with more and other examples,
    • expand on some of the topics,
    • provide you a way to ask questions interactively,
    • assist you with analyses on your own data,
    • assist in your specific analysis objectives,
    • prepare you for the CAAP exam.

Interested? Of course you are.
Just fill in the form here and we will take care of the rest.

    Let's schedule those coaching sessions !

    Data analysis is an interesting journey and learning never ends. This "Coached eLearning" is a fantastic compromise between classroom learning and self-study.

    Fill out this form so that we can contact you to discuss this coaching and plan our sessions!

    Let us help you on your way.